Ten Commandments for a Happy Life

1. Today I will be grateful for all the things I have. I will not be envious of others who seem to have more material goods than I have.
2. Today I will not get angry nor concern myself with unimportant trifles.
3. Today I will not let the wrongdoing of others cause me to do wrong.
4. Today I will not be proud and look down on others. 5. Today I will not criticize others, nor find fault. I will speak softly, be considerate of others, and will dress neatly and look as well as I can. 6. Today I will do a good thing for someone else. It must not be something for which I expect anything in return. 7. Today I will keep busy and do work if I am in good health. I will not be lazy or idle, though I will try to find a quiet hour for my own self.
8. Today I will be the best I can be. I will be sincere in my thoughts and gracious in my relations with others.
9. Today I will live for today. Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow may not come.
10. Today I will truly try to like all those with whom I come in contact.
