Be fiery while you're in the LIGHT

You are in the Light. Ofcourse, you are. But do you know that folks in the Dark can see folks who are in the Light? In this earth realm they do, and from the Darkness they plot, scheme up and throw wicked and evil things at you, which you barely can see. It takes a discerning spirit to see their evil devices and to contend with the folks themselves. Be fiery while you are still in the Light. The Light is your shield and also your weapon to dispel, repel, and annihilate the evil folks. Darkness cannot overcome Light. No, it can't! Two folks Pharoah and Herod plotted in secret and deployed men to kill all babies in one camp. This carnage was targeted to disrupt the prophecy of deliverance from bondage (Moses) and our redemption from sin by our Lord Jesus, the Christ. Why? Pharoah and Herod saw their Light. But because Moses was in the Light and Jesus Himself was and is the Light, the attack became void. We are light and salt to the world, the Bible says of us. You are Fire, and flies (folks in the dark) who try to fly over you, plot to harm you or come near you should be ashamed and be consumed. Reflect on this.
