The Eternal Separation

Babies and children cry when they see, sense or feel their parents leave them or separate from them to do other things. This is so because of the bond of Love that exist between them. Parent-child relationship is something else, no wonder either one or both parties would feel some hurt or loss when there's a seeming or true separation.
This is a rather big maxim of truth for us all. It is a similitude of what will play out in that last day when God, the Great Judge, would sift the 'goat' from the 'sheep'. This sifting, is like the separation of a child from his or her parent. In this case, however, the separation is just - with the sons and daughters of disobedience. Verily, there would be gnashing of teeth of the 'goats' forever. For they have been separated from the source and fountain of life, which is God. While there's life now, it's not too late. You can prevent your eternal separation, TODAY!
