Many theoretical postulations have asserted the evolution of man. Prominent among these evolutionist is Charles Darwin, who believed that man had metamorphosed from a tree-dwelling ape called the Australopithecus.
This assertion, from my opinion, needs to be thoroughly analyzed.
In my conviction, I do not think that man had evolved from an animal. Although the ape has nearly some human characteristics and behavior, the two species are entirely different.
If truly the ape overtime transformed into man, then to evidently proof this transition all apes or chimpanzees should be housed and studied for as long as necessary in order to confirm their transition if possible.
I believe that all created entities have a Creator, a master designer whose creative ability has manifested into the realm of the seen and tangible.Or nonetheless should man originate from apes, who created the apes?Or did they come on their own?
These evolutionists strive to unearth or excavate areas believed to be once the home of the Australopithecus, the Cro-Magnon man and others.They find their relics mostly in parts of Africa and then conclude that man evolved from the ape since their relics has some resemblance to that of the human skeleton.
This I believe is a fallacy which should not be found in any book nor any evolutionist acknowledged for such work done. Darwin is a great scholar but his theory of evolution does not convince me. Well may be someone will.
Almost every living human on this earth and with their diverse culture and religion believe and make reverence to a supernatural entity who is acknowledged for all the things we see around us.
Let me use this scenario: Imagine a man who invents an aeroplane, married and had a son.Later he died and another man who not knowing him comes to say that the aeroplane came into existence by chance.What do you think will be case here?Will not his family particularly his son condemn the man's utterance and give praise and acknowledgement to the memory of his departed father?
So did all existing things not come by chance.There is a Creator behind its existence.
I believe some people concur with my opinion.
Let us all give glory and reverence to One who alone made all things both the seen and unseen.
All created things has a master designer behind its existence.Some people marvel when miracles are wroughted in the lives of those who diseased and despodent.Or did miracle also come by chance?
Man (in my opinion) did not evolved from the ape as claimed by some evolutionary scholars.The two species are greatly different in their mortal nature.
Farewell to all the inhabitants of the earth and as a collective duty let us make the world a better place to dwell.