" It is appointed unto man to die once and after it judgement"- the Scripture testify this.
No one knows what and how the afterlife is, neither do we understand death.I deem it prudent therefore to always live right each day for tomorrow which I so long to meet may not come.
Why do people set time alarm? It is to alert them that time is up.A new day has dawn. This is a great hope people the world over have always sought for- to live in tomorrow when it comes.
What I have said is a true saying. Behold, it is "appointed unto man to die once and after it judgement."
Note also that " it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of God"
The world is polarized into two and controlled by two dominant forces- Good and evil. But the former will always prevail, although the latter has been a tough combatant. Many people would say "I find it difficult doing good. Wrong is easy to commit whether consciously or unconsciously, and there are temptations all around me. I'm at its mercy!"
Yes!There are temptations,some surmountable others not.And it takes the individual with an unwary faith and strong perseverance to always come out champion.Sin yields dire consequences to the human soul.Society will ostracize people who are of deviant behaviour.The dignity and respect for deviants are lost.Their health is frail and out of frustration and embarrassment,they become even worst in character and in deeds.Eventually,death's icy hands arrests them.In their DNA is found a chunk of moral decadence which they carry with them into the 'world of silence'. There,the 'Great Law' judges them and pronounce punishment accordingly.
So what will be your choice between these two extremes?Will you choose a right living and obtain good countenance,better health,and success or an evil life and reap failure,poor health,shame and death?Give me your response my good friend.
"What shall it profit a man if he owns the whole world but loses his life?"This true saying is found in the Christian Scripture.It is prudent to be righteous and also have many possessions.But material possessions and power subtly hardens the heart of men.They are easily corrupted.Some even sell their souls for fame and riches.Shame on them!
Religion and Philosophy are the two underlying principles that empowers people to behave and live right.People who are religiously and philosophically minded are meek,kind and compassionate,full of love and happiness,forgiving and slow to anger.Are these qualities not soothing like a cold morning breeze?Yes thy are.Then why don't you emulate and practice them?...Please give me your answer.
Death and its accompanying judgement is a reality.This therefore is my advice to everyone: LIVE RIGHT EACH DAY FOR TOMORROW YOU SO LONG FOR MAY NOT COME.Amen.