The voice of the beloved Hierophant,the Mystic who became a Nazarene when he dedicated himself to God in three mysterious ways of wisdom.These ways are beyond mortal comprehension,so let me zip my mouth. There's truth in the topic raised.I pondered over it in continual silence until the illumination came: Creative Energy in His Infinite Wisdom and Humility commanded His Word into nature thereby manifesting the Duality- the Masculine and Feminine Principles. The principles are all around us and the keen observer bears witness: they're present in plants, animals, humans, the elements, and even in forces which can't be seen- male and female, visible and unseen, negative and positive, rich and poor, fertile and barren, truth and falsehood, light and darkness, good and evil...the list is endless! As these dualities merge in "sacred union", another life or force is born, containing its own distinct experiences and lessons to be learned for the betterment of each individual force.The duality is a Cosmic and Universal Law.It can't be changed,except by the intervention of the Undying One,God, who's also a duality not in terms of a masculine or feminine appearance(for He's Invisible)but manifestations of His sublime nature,He: rewards and sanctions, blesses and curses, rains and causes drought, loves and hate, gives life and takes it back, holds each creature accountable for ills committed and also pardons them.All these opposites He administers in Infinite Wisdom, Love and Justice from His holy habitation forever and ever. Now let me emphasize on the two principles- good and evil.Good and evil can coexist "peacefully" only on the earth plane and no other realm.But its existence has a limit. The earth was innocent until the fall of man.Then and only then did evil take root to do battle with absolute goodness.Each force comes with its peculiar effect.The effect may create a balance or harmony from which lessons are learned as to which path to travel on. Imagine a world of goodness with no evil, likewise an earthly life grounded on wickedness with no room for moral uprightness.What would've been the missing link?It's simply the Law of Equilibrium- varied polarities have better chemistry or relationship than same polarities.Thus evil and goodness can merge well here on earth.This takes a Great Practice! Understand this great mystery and you'll be illuminated from on High: God is One.And before one what will thou count? When God created plants and animals in pairs,M&F, and later in mankind,He fulfilled the Law of Duality.Know also that the "I AM" is holy and undefiled, just and righteous.There's no evil in Him.The very moment the duality came into operation in His creations on earth, a challenging and prideful force emerged...Satan he is called.But an appointed time is set for this weaker energy.When that age approaches,he will be destroyed forever.So mote it be! The "duality of nature" is a reality.It's also a very crucial issue of interest.The few truths I've shared can be of great value to seekers of The Light and Perfection.Don't be much alarmed when setbacks come your way.They must come!But you've to persevere as they're only tests of your faith, quest and pledge to embrace the divine.God is incorruptible.Don't transgress His immutable Laws for He is a consuming fire. These which I say to you,I say to all that, the duality, births love and unity, which is primarily two in one- "I and My Father are One". PEACE PROFOUND!
