It's unfortunate. It's extremely embarrassing to tell this story. But all the same it's important to let you know the problem: an ailing attitude (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attitude_(psychology)‎) with most Ghanaians. They drop refuse (mostly polythene materials) "anyhow". The refuse are "everywhere". In the streets, even some major highways. At various residences. Bushes and gutters. Markets and lorry stations. In fact, they are generated on daily basis. People drop their wastes around "with pride". Others look on "unconcerned" perhaps for fear of being hurled at with "infectious" insults. Asked why they did so, the unconvincing excuses some give are that: "Zoom lion will come and tidy it up. After all don't the government pay them?" Another also said "I'm not the only one doing this. So why find fault." Yet another "No one complains when I do it so please don't look for my trouble." Well, these excuses and many others is rotting the System. Above all, it gets on my nerves. Ah! Often times our leaders travel outside the country. Officials from those Associations responsible for clean and proper sanitary practices in Accra and other parts of the country, also do travel to attend official seminars on hygienic practices in Europe, Africa or the Americas. Our citizens also embark on these trips. My point here is: these human resources travel to foreign nations. While there, they see the beauty and cleanness of these societies, how effective their laws are enforced and collective duty of most citizens to ensure proper sanitary practices which reflects in their homes, streets, workplaces, and even their conduct. Can't we do same here? The workload on waste management companies is enormous. For our health and comfort, we see young men and women and sometimes the elderly working tirelessly under the sun's heat, sweeping the streets and keeping the choked and "satiated" gutters clean. Such work, undoubtedly, is a necessary part of every society. However, these human resources aside their first job, should be provided with far more better opportunities. It's the government's responsibility to favourably create conditions- more available and accessible jobs with appreciable remuneration, among others, to tackle the very root causes of our "slow pace" development. I strongly doubt that these Bodies and in particular the government, undertakes policy research. After brainstorming, concluding and thinking a policy is best, government goes on to implement it. When the policy backfires, they "pretend" to feel remorse; but its the citizens who suffer the most. True and unhurried research into the weakness and efficiency of a policy would inform government and these sanitation Agencies to take innovative decisions and strategies. So, do our representatives undertake policy researches? Zoom lion is indeed striving hard to keep clean our surroundings but only to be frustrated and hindered by the conduct and attitude of many Ghanaians towards waste disposal. The first impression of foreigners and investors about the country is revealed in our actions and in-actions; behaviour and attitude, and significantly, our maintenance of the environment. Ghanaians are heart warming, peaceful and hospitable. Therefore, shouldn't these virtues tally with or translate into how we use resources, and to keeping the environment clean? The result is amazingly small... and I'm sad. There's great hope and also a great fear. Ghana needs pragmatic nationals and wise revolutionary leaders. Don't forget that it is through revolutions that countries like USA, France, South Africa,... are what they are today. Frankly, promise-filled leaders or personalities aren't the best. People who can do the job are often times stereotyped and belittled by their by their height, religion, colour, and association - karmically, we reap what our choices sowed. My dearest Ghanaians. Let us embrace the collective duty of supporting Zoom lion to work more productively. We should be mindful of our health at all times- this can be maintained through a friendly and conscious relationship with ourselves and the environment... The flame of hope keeps burning!
