Why do we see beggars on the streets? Because a social trust has been broken. This social trust requires that people, of whom beggars are part, think, behave and act as responsible citizens. That is, they ought to pay taxes promptly, respect and defend the law, etc. By doing these, and in reciprocity, the government is obliged by Law to provide them with life’s basic needs. These are: good water, quality roads and transport systems, affordable housing and ownership, quality education plus better jobs and salary, and many more.
Unfortunately a lot more people get frustrated when the government denies them these rights. Worst of all, they lose sanity when a government illegally confiscate their property without compensation. They feel cheated and rejected, and being unable to start all over again, they take to the streets.
Give or Don’t Give
Giving is an innate desire and is dependent on a person’s volition. So, there are times we feel to give and other times to stiff our hands.
Sometimes people tell me they give only when they have the means to. That is, relieving the beggars of their routine with money, fruits or gifts. But I say to them: Not only these, but also pray for them, and wish them well. When you approach beggars in town, cherish them in your heart. Through this meditation you have contributed to the wholeness of their care and spirituality. They will not harm you.
The Reluctance to Give
In Ghana, Africa, many people are constrained to give. This is partly because what they have is not enough to free out. Secondly, there is a perception that most beggars are paying for a crime or evil act they committed years back, while others also fake their situation or insanity to take money or gift from you, only to use it as a contact point to spirit you. For this fear, most Ghanaians hardly help those in need, much more to talk of strange beggars.
What next?
Such imbalance can tear society cohesion. By this I mean when society’s poor, beggars or outcasts continue to be treated as such, they will retaliate and this can be catastrophic.
That said, it will be more safer when we all in our little way give or support these individuals who per the disintegration of this social trust, have landed them in our streets, slowly or never to recover again.