Today's conversation is not like previous ones. My chat fellow is passionate with his talk. He is honest. I see it in his eyes. His analysis of the situation made sense. It is convincing yet very frightening.
He spoke about religion, the true and false one. Religion is a very sensitive subject matter to discuss. Yet he took the pain and risk to express his sentiments, perhaps a revelation he got through intense ponder and meditation. The million dollar question I asked: Are the Deities of Islam and Christians same,? triggered the short but thought provoking analysis. My respected friend is concise and straightforward with his answer. "No! I know it sounds puzzling but it's the truth," he said. Tell me I asked, are there not good in all religions? He replied: "There are. Most tenets demand its adherents to be kind, respectful, not easily angry, loving, faithful and many more.But most of these religions are pagans.Before the fall of man there is and was a One God. After the fall and there dispersing of mankind across the earth, people of same or similar language lived together. In the process they began making objects of worship. Don't forget the devil was around at the time. He worked tirelessly with his fallen angels to indoctrinate leaders of the settled groups. Soon the practices deviated from the one they observed many years ago. They could burnt people for sacrifices, bow down to objects as their god, send large foodstuff to these graven images to eat, but which can't. They worshiped heavenly objects like the sun (sun-god), engaged in sorcery, palmistry, using beads or talismans believed to contain powers to charm, harm and desire wishes". I paused him and asked: so you're saying Islam to some extent does these? "Yes," he replied and continued. "Religion must not be forced on others. But historically and till now, I see Islam which its adherents say means peace, as a religion being forced on others either in their fold or outside. Those who resist are tagged outcast, unbelievers, disowned by family, and many more. A true deity is worshiped not based on strict observances but rather from the heart, will and spirit. The Holy Book containing the sayings of the true God must not be used to justify wrong. But it's done! I feared the outcome of his sayings so I stopped him. I said: On the day of judgement all of mankind will know the only true God. For now let's do good, worship God in spirit and in truth. Even from our heart. We must live peaceably with people and seek not their hurt for they live close to us for our safety sake. "Alright. Since all humans are one and help each other, every religion must be tolerated. But there will surely come a danger in this life or hereafter. Glory and power to God and goodwill and peace profound to mankind." My friends I'm still confused. Please share your comments to teach and admonish me on the which religion is right. Many thanks.