Man is trinity. For it stands unquestionable that the Godhead is triune and man was created in such fundamental nature. We find in Scripture, specifically Genesis the grand pronouncement “Let Us make man in Our image and after Our likeness...”
The “Us” refers to Deity, that is God, but in three essence- God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. These three are one.
In man the trinity refers to the physical body, the inner man (soul) and spirit. But these three are not one. It is only on the earth plane that such triune nature exists. Unlike the spirit which is immortal, the inner man (soul) and the physical body is condemnable. The physical body has urges to indulge in pleasure or whatever occurrence may come its way in life. And it is the inner man that takes the decision to either accept or indulge therein or to reject and back off.
The “immortality of the spirit” stems from the reading: “And God breathed into man and he became a living being.” This breathing symbolizes God’s quintessence in man. Without it and its occasional still small voice we often hear, man would not have spiritually evolved, felt God, neither pray fervently, have glimpses of the Divine nor experience other wonderful God manifestations. At the hour of death the spirit would transit to God. The body would horribly disintegrate. And the fate of the inner man is the profoundest. It shall account for all of its actions and intentions whether it is good or bad. Since we have heard of a Final Judgment, truly it is the inner man, the soul that shall be judged.
We must therefore strive to perfect the inner man which is the real us. It is also undying just as the spirit that is why it shall eternally remain in heaven (goodness) or hell (suffering).