"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." "All things were made by him (The Word); and without him was not any thing made that was made." We know too well these verses of Scripture, don't we? Well, the problem however is that for some people this is just an easy statement to recite or even overlook. But no! These statements signify something profound for us to grasp. It will in fact take away, if you allow, the veil off your eyes to see and know that IT'S ALL ABOUT JESUS! Every creation, was done by Jesus and have His essence. You can mention for example, plant and animal life, water bodies, deserts, the galaxies, human beings, rocks and mountains, heavenly beings, etc. He made all of them.
That's why He is beautifully called the Mamra of God. That is, the Word of God. I was stunned when I learnt from the Original Bible that the Mamra of God, the Word of God, Jesus as we know, was the very person in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. Who walked in the cool of the day and called out to Adam, "Where are you?" and said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?"
Indeed, He was in the very beginning! He is the Son of God; the Son of Man. He is God and the same time man. This is a great mystery, which many people both out of ignorance or intentionally, tend to scoff at. You should be very Careful! As the Son of Man, He identifies with our humanity for He Himself lived among us, and died to save us. That's why He was with man in the very start in the Garden of Eden. As God, He is Lord of all; reconciling us unto Himself. It's all about Jesus, my fellow brethren. You may not have known; but now you do. Therefore Say it loud with me, "IT'S ALL ABOUT JESUS!!!"