In the wave of events marking these last days, one typical mention of Bible prophecy which is playing out right under our watch, is the advent of 'wolves in sheep's clothing.' Yes, you heard me right, ravenous wolves disguised as sheep. Imagining this spectacle seems to be a bit funny or odd, but I tell you, it's no joke at all. It's a scary and appaling ongoing reality. But the assuring thing is that diagnosing this 'false-good' is possible.
These silent-menacing wolves are everywhere! On the streets, market places, workplace, homes, and their most fascinating destination now is the House of God, the Church.
Whichever Church it is, they may serve in the choir, or as ushers, or as 'care officers,' and then the bigger role as pastors. Their mission is simple, to quench the passion of the faithfuls in the Church, and through any possible means, pounce on them, possess them and influence them unto sin, evil and eventual destruction.
Be therefore, going thence forward, ever prayerful. Build yourself in the secret place; thus allowing God to indwell you mightily. As you step out refined and on fire, whoever you meet in your going out and in your coming in, if they are in the fold of wolves in sheep's clothing, they would be exposed and put to shame.
Should you entertain any stranger, colleague, friend, relative, don't allow familiarity to set in. Pray intensely within, even as you shake hands with them, take numbers or little details about them or sit to converse. You may never know or be aware of what they're possessing at any particular time. They themselves may not be aware that they're being manipulated.
Watch and Pray!
There's a lot more going on in the Spiritual Realm than meets the naked eye.