How to deal with Committed Sins

How to deal with Committed Sins – Rev. Clifford Kasim, Initiators of Change Ministries.
There's always a way out in handling issues. Every problem in life has an answer or solution to it – provided you submit yourself entirely to God to teach you, direct you and inspire you on what to do at every point in time. Whatsoever sin or sins you have committed; here are three Biblical ways to deal with them: The first step to dealing with the sins committed is to: – Genuinely repent of the committed sin [in your heart] and then confess it [with your mouth] to God. It's a twofold requirement; not doing one and leaving the other [1 John 1:9; Romans 10:10; Mark 11:23; Proverbs 28:13; Psalm 32:5] Many believers are suffering because of sins that they have committed [openly or in secret], and which they are not willing to confess it or forsake it in order to receive God's mercy. Regarding confession of sins, you have to be specific about what you have done instead of praying to God to forgive you of all your sins. Mention them out and pray to God concerning each of them. It’s you who have committed the sins and so why should God Himself figure them out for you! God hates sin! [I John 2:9-17; Proverbs 8:13; Psalm 5:5, etc.] It’s needful also that you confess your sins to those whom you have wronged or sinned against. The second step in dealing with sin after you have genuinely repented and confessed it is that: – You must learn to forgive yourself of those sins. In light of this, don't listen to any voice, either from people or the devil that echoes your confessed sin as vain and reminding you that you are a sinner and far beyond the mercy and saving power of God. It's dangerous to hold yourself up in doubt and being sin conscious about God's forgiveness of your already committed sins. The last step; having done all of the above, is to: – Stand and withstand the devil and all his temptations. Discipline yourself against harboring bad intentions and fulfilling the evil desires of the flesh. Remember, God is always watching and He has imparted you with the ability to resist and overcome sin. Picture courtesy:
